Backblaze Review

  • Value
  • Reliability
  • Support
  • Storage Space
  • Speed
User Review
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Backblaze is online backup made easy. Offering mac/pc users unlimited backup at just $5 a month. We’ll be breaking down the service as a whole seeing what it has to offer.


Features include the following:

  • Unlimited Backup
  • FedEx hard drive restoration
  • Unlimited File Size
  • External Drive Backup
  • Personal Key Security
  • Automated Backup Software

Backblaze features a ton of great features all in one plan. No pro or advanced tiers just one plan for all the great features it has to offer. All while giving you complete unlimited backup for all your data.



Backblaze offers a great array of security to ensure your files/data are safe.

Your files are all encrypted by 448-bit encryption additionally they offer the option to have a personal security key. This means an additional key is needed for login. Really preventing anyone else from logging into your Backblaze account. Lastly their software includes zero lines of Java. This accounts for 91% of the security attacks on backup services so their code is native to mac/pc without any Java.


As fas as speed goes the blaze in backblaze is key. There is no bandwidth or file size limits meaning you can backup at speeds as much as your ISP can handle. Providing a clean & efficient experience be it backing up or restoring. They even offer a FedEx hard drive delivery in the case you want all your data sent to you in a physical form really enhancing the speed of your recovery.

Price Plans

Starting with the personal solutions Backblaze offers a $5 monthly plan for unlimited data plan for mac/pc. However you have the option to save on the yearly plan at $50 or $95 for 2 years. Back blaze also offers business users a $50 a year per computer plan with ton of support for a business backup solution.

Data Backup Capabilities

Backup wise you have a truly unlimited backup service no file size, bandwidth, or storage limits. Meaning backup any sort of data you like via their great software. The desktop tools allow for continuous and automatic backup. You can even backup external media if you’d like via the service.

Data Restore Capabilities

Restoration wise files are stored in multiple versions for up to 30 days making it easy to recover older versions of a certain file if need be. Beyond that you can restore any files of your choosing at ease in a one click process. They also offer unique options such as the previously mentioned FedEx delivery service.


Their support is basic for a backup service company offering a decent knowledge base with answers to a lot of common questions. From there you also the ability to submit an e-mail request or chat with the team in a chat option that isn’t 24/7. So you have some forms of direct contact but not at all times which can be unfortunate especially on the business end.


All in all Backblaze provides still one of the best services in the space. Offering true unlimited backup to its users for a very decent rate of $5 a month. No cheap frills, fluff, or advanced tiers you pay and you get all the features. Thats the best thing about Backblaze, additionally it includes a wide variety of support for file types and great software for the main operating systems. If your’re looking for a truly unlimited backup service at a great price than you’ve found just that in Backblaze.


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